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", "mmbr2":"Register now", "mmbr3":"it\'s free ", "added":"Added", "climbed":"Climbed", "removal":"Removal", "setter":"Setter", "reps":"Repetitions", "rating":"Rating", "type":"Type", "description":"Description", "share":"Share route", "sent":"Sent", "undefined":"Not Set", "style":"Style", "noRoot":"There are no routes to show", "noRootP":"Please adjust the filters", "forgot":"Forgot password?", "routesClimbed":"Routes climbed: ", "routeClimbed":"route climbed", "defGym":"Home gym: ", "memberSince":"Member since: ", "sector":"Sector", "remov":"removal", "noCnvs":"Your browser does not support canvas.", "outOf5":"out of 5", "fldEmail":"Email", "btnViewStats":"VIEW FULL STATS", "btnAiTrainer":"AI TRAINER", "btnViewNotif":"NOTIFICATIONS", "btnEditProf":"EDIT PROFILE", "btnChngPass":"CHANGE PASSWORD", "btnSign":"SIGN OUT", "fldNameer":"Please enter the name", "grade":"grade", "noGrade":"not set", "shareTxt":"Check out this route", "logError":"Error! Wrong details", "powered":"powered by", "congrats":"Congratulations!", "routeSent":"You\'ve sent the route", "additional":"Additional info", "flash":"FLASH", "redPoint":"REDPOINT", "unmark":"Unmark Route", "pssEr1":"Please enter your current password", "pssEr2":"New password has to have 8 to 15 characters, at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one numeric digit and one special character", "pssEr3":"Password check faild", "pssEr4":"Please enter a different password than the current one", "psSuccess":"Your password has been updated", "fldPass":"Password", "fldNPass":"New Password", "fldRPass":"Check Password", "save":"Save", "cancel":"Cancel", "gBack":"Back", "changePic":"Change Picture", "fldName":"Name", "DeleteGym":"DELETE PROFILE", "saveChanges":"Save changes", "nmeSaved":"The profile has been updated", "upPic":"Upload New Picture", "profUp":"The changes have been saved", "noNotif":"There are no notifications to display", "statsNotification":"Please note that the statistics are provided based on the Zygbo colour grading. To find out more about the Zygbo colour grading click here.", "totNoRoutes":"Total number of routes", "tottl":"Total", "frstAsc":"First Ascents", "sttsWeek":"Week", "sttsMonth":"Month", "sttsYear":"Year", "sttsHldsRts":"Route and hold types", "sttsToday":"Today", "sttsMnth":"A month ago", "stts3Mnth":"3 months ago", "sttsHrdst":"Hardest route", "sttsHFirst":"First time", "sttsHlast":"Last time", "sttsRtsWeek":"Routes / Week", "sttsRtsSesh":"Routes / Session", "sttsCure":"Current", "sttsAvb":"Average", "sttsBst":"Best", "sttsEverywhere":"Everywhere", "gDelProf":"Delete profile", "gDelPrfMsg":"To delete your profile please enter DELETE and press the delete button.", "delBtn":"Delete", "delDone":"Your account has been deleted!", "close":"Close", "picErr":"Please use jpg or png files! 5Mb Max", "sayHi":"Hello!", "sayAgree":"I agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy of", "createAccount":"Register user", "agreeMust":"You need to agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy", "crtError":"There was an error, try later", "humnChk":"Please complete the reCAPTCHA", "profViz":"Profile visibility", "profPubl":"Public", "profPriv":"Private", "prfDel":"Enter DELETE to delete your profile", "nwGTitle":"New climbing gym", "nwGPara":"Please choose the option that fits you better", "nwGSet":"Set as home gym", "nwGVisit":"Just visiting", "champs":"Ascents", "noAccount":"Looks like you don't have a Zygbo account, please scan the QR code at your gym to create a new account", "compNone":"There are no competitions ", "compAddBtn":"Add Competition", "compaAddTitle":"Add Competition", "compTitle":"Competitions", "compAudience":"Audience", "compPub":"Public", "compGymOnly":"Gym Only", "compStDate":"Start Date", "compEndDate":"End Date", "compCates":"Categories (enter categories separated by comma)", "compStages":"Stages (select the ones you need)", "compStg0":"Qualifications", "compStg1":"Semifinals", "compStg2":"Finals", "compReg":"Automatic registration", "compRegYes":"Yes", "compRegNo":"No, Admin must confirm", "compErName":"Please enter the name", "compErDesc":"Please enter the description", "compErStdate":"Please enter the start date", "compErEdDate":"Please enter the end date", "compErEdDate2":"The end date can't be before the start date", "compErCateg":"Unpermited characters", "compErStg":"Select at least one stage", "compSt0":"Draft", "compSt1":"Published", "compDlDrft":"Delete draft", "compType1":"On sight", "compType2":"Redpoint", "compHMRoutes":"How many routes?", "compQG1":"Groups (enter the number of groups)", "compQG2":"How many qualify?", "compNumber":"Enter a number", "compNtZero":"Enter the number that qualify", "rtsNo":"Enter the number of routes", "compDrftSaved":"Draft has been saved", "compStyle":"Style", "compCategTitle":"Categories", "compParticipants":"Participants", "compData":"Date", "compDetails":"Details", "compStages":"Stages", "compChngStage":"Change stages", "compGroupTitle":"Groups", "compQualifyTitle":"To qualify", "compCompTitle":"Competitors", "compIcn":"competition", "msg1":"First route of the day.", "msg2":"You\'ve done ", "msg2a":" routes,
", "msg3":" more routes to reach your daily average", "msg4":"One more route to reach your daily average", "msg5":"You've matched your daily average!", "msg6":"You\'ve beat your daily average!", "msg6a":"routes in your best session", "msg7":" more to reach your best session", "msg8":"One more route to reach your best session!", "msg9":"One more route to set a new session record!", "msg10":"You set a new best session record", "felt":"How it felt?", "felt1":"easier", "felt2":"fair", "felt3":"harder" }